Trust Me - a Sunday Times bestseller
If you’re like me, you’ll be wondering how it can be May already when January only seems like a couple of weeks ago. Although a few special days have stood out for me, among all the rest – particularly the day when Trust Me became a Sunday Times bestseller in hardback. It’s been amazing to hear from so many early readers who have loved my new thriller and helped to spread the word with reviews and recommendations since publication day in March.
There were some e-book highlights too, particularly a day which saw FOUR of my books in the Kindle top 30! I couldn’t quite believe it when this happened and kept checking whether it was some kind of glitch in the chart. But apparently it was for real, as the montage below proves! It was certainly one of my favourite days of 2021 so far, and it was lovely to see The Catch still finding new readers more than a year after it came out.
The Catch was my 2020 thriller, launched a month into the first national lockdown in the UK, and I really had no idea how it would fare during such a strange and disrupted time. So I was stunned to hear recently that in its first year it sold more than 250,000 copies in the UK! Huge thanks to everyone who has bought, read and told a friend about it.
For any of you who are fans of The Holiday, a quick update on the TV adaptation . . . filming has been going on since early April in sunny Malta and the shoot is now completed! I’ve seen some of the early footage and it looks amazing. It’s wonderful to see such a talented cast of actors bringing the story to life on the screen. The Holiday will be a four-part drama on Channel 5 and will be on your screens this Autumn – watch this space for a transmission date.
If you’re an audiobook fan, I’ll be teaming up with Tandem Collective UK this month as part of a great idea to combine spoken-word stories with all the different craft activities you can do while listening. It’s called Plots and Pastimes and will include a live Q&A event on Instagram Live (May 26th), where I’ll be answering questions and chatting about Trust Me. You can also get a discounted version of the audiobook as part of this: follow me on Instagram for more information as it happens and check the #PlotsAndPastimes hashtag to join in the conversation.
In other news, I’ve had my first vaccine – hooray! Oh, and I’m 85,000 words into the first draft of book six, which will be coming out in Spring 2022. The Curfew is a psychological thriller about the terrifying spiral of events set in motion when five teenagers go up to the woods one hot summer night, and only four come out . . .
I’ll be sharing more news about The Curfew soon. If you’ve not already done so, sign up to my Readers’ Club at the bottom of this page and you’ll be the first to hear!